Thursday, November 24, 2011

Rick's first catch, yellowtail
sushi sashimi
Rick has become a great fisherman, catching a 12 lb yellowtail 40 minutes after he first put out line! We have had 3 types of Mackerel and a Bonita. The yellowtail was our favorite, Snoball loved it also. We had sushi within 1.5 hours of catching it. Then fish tacos, steaks on the barbe and stew from the bones we just couldn't throw into the sea before boiling them.
Private anchorage Bahia Sant Maria
Our anchorage at Turtle Bay was short but sweet. On the next leg to Magdelena Bay our auto pilot went out causing us to hand steer constantly. This doesn't seem like it would be a problem, after all shouldn't you have to steer the boat. But the person on watch also has to leave the helm to check the GPS, radar and make hourly log entries. Not possible during your 4 hour shift. Also can't use the head, so I found I got dehydrated, only drinking at the beginning of my sleep shift. We were glad to arrive at Bahia Santa Maria anchoring behind a huge mountain which protected us from the NW winds. Rick had a spare auto pilot and installed it in 1 hour. Just in time to join other sailors on their boat for lobsters they snared that day. Yum! They had no refrigeration and were delighted with our salad offering for the dinner.

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