Friday, January 20, 2012

Powering up Talaria in La Cruz

Snoball helps with wiring

Roberto provided us with 3 deep cell batteries with delivery and haul out of the old batteries. They charge fully and hold the charge better than our 13 year old batteries. The battery bank is the life blood of the boat powering all our 12V and 112V needs. We also found 4 solar panels right here in Bucerias. Rick has spent 4 days mounting the panels and wiring them into the battery bank. After 2 weeks at the marina executing the power up plan, we are now at anchorage again and do not have the power problems we were having before. Talaria is quite self sufficient with small usage of power except for the refrigeration and navigational equipment. This is important as the next 1500 miles of coastline has mostly anchorages without marinas to plug into shore power.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The last few days my husband and I have been musing about workable strategies for being less grid dependent. I told him boaters are a perfect model.

On another note, are you still finding time to spin?